
Having started with DOS 2.1 and worked our way through Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows ME, Windows 2000, Windows NT, etc., etc., Microsoft has laid out a clear path of improvement for us with each new iteraIon.


Read more: Windows 20xx

Wow—we do this article every year, and every year the value for the consumer just gets better. The choices for a new Personal Computer (PC) are almost limitless. The bad news is no matter what system you buy, it will be dated within 3 months, so lets focus on getting value for our investment for the average computer user (internet access, email, some accounting, word processing, and etc.).


Read more: Buying a PC

Microsoft has released Vista to the public—should you jump on the bandwagon?

Windows Vista is the long delayed successor to Windows XP. While Microsoft describes it as a revolutionary upgrade, to most users it will only see an incremental evolution from XP.


Read more: Vista ?
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